Friday, March 30, 2012


Guilds (ギルド Girudo) are organizations of Mages.

  • Provide a place for Mages to take Jobs and earn Jewels.
  • Provide a place for Mages to hone their skills.
  • Defense against Dark Guilds and all other criminals.
The main power in the Kingdom of Fiore is the King and his Government. Under his order is the Magic Council, which enforces rules over the guilds to uphold lawful employment of Mages, and other forms of employment while making sure they do not cause trouble.
All Legal Guilds are connected. Their Guild Masters form a Local Guild Master League, which meet at regular meetings.
The hierarchy within Guilds in order of the most powerful to the least is usually, Guild Master, Guild Ace, S-Class Mages, and Mages.
Guild Master
A Guild Master is a Mage who is the head of the guild that he or she is affiliated with. Typically, Guild Masters are very powerful, often being the strongest Mage in their guilds. Occasionally they are even members of the Ten Wizard Saints, as with the case of Makarov. As the heads of their own respective guilds, they virtually have complete authority over their subordinates, and can thus dictate their actions. 

Guild Ace
A Guild Ace is simply the most powerful Mage in a Guild not including the Master. While many guilds have Guild Aces, the position does not hold true for every guild.

S-Class Mages
An S-Class Mage is a powerful Mage that is recognized by the Guild Master and is able to undertake S-Class Jobs. The jobs they take are so dangerous that even the simplest mistake can cost them their life. However the pay for S-Class Jobs is good. The overall strength of S-Class Mages differ from guild to guild.

Mages are simply users of Magic that are able to undertake Jobs.
Legal Magic Guilds
Guild Name Description Guild Master Status Symbol
Fairy Tail The Fairy Tail Guild was once the most powerful guild in Fiore. This guild is greatly disliked by the Magic Council because of the members' destructive natures. Makarov Dreyar Active Fairy Tail symbol.png
Sabertooth Currently the most powerful guild in Fiore. Unknown Active Sabertoth mark.png
Twilight Ogre Representative Guild in Magnolia Town. Banaboster Active Twilight Ogre.png
Lamia Scale One of the top four guilds in Fiore, not much is known about this guild except that they allied with Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, and Cait Shelter to defeat the Oración Seis, one of the three dark guilds of the Balam Alliance. Ooba Babasaama Active Lamia scale.png
Blue Pegasus One of the top four guilds in Fiore, the guild is mostly a guild for women and effeminate males. It is known for having beautiful members. Blue Pegasus allied with Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale, and Cait Shelter to defeat the Oración Seis, one of the three dark guilds of the Balam Alliance. Bob Active Blue pegasus symbol.png
Quatro Cerberus A guild lead by Goldmine Goldmine Active Quatro Cerberus Symbol.png
Mermaid Heel All-female Guild. Unknown Active Mermaid Heels symbol.png
Raven Tail Is a powerful Guild that was founded by Makarov's son Iwan. Iwan Dreyar Active Raven Tail symbol.png
Titan Nose Nothing is known about this guild except that Bora is a former member. Unknown Active Unknown
Phantom Lord Once, Phantom Lord was the most powerful Magic guild in Fiore, but over time, Fairy Tail started gaining recognition until both guilds became the signature guilds of Fiore. The guild master, Jose Porla, one of the Ten Wizard Saints, then instigated a guild war with Fairy Tail out of jealousy. After Phantom Lord was defeated, the Magic Council dissolved the guild and stripped Jose of his positions. Jose Porla Dissolved Phantom Lord Symbol.png
Cait Shelter This guild sent delegates to participate in the alliance against the Dark Guild, Oración Seis. After all the members of the Oración Seis were defeated and Nirvana was destroyed, the guild master Roubaul revealed that the guild was fake and that its members were all spirits of the Nirvit and thus were only part of an illusion created specifically for Wendy and Carla. Roubaul Never Existed Caitshelter.png
Independent Guilds
Guild, which weren't registered by a Magic Council, but their actions are not directed against the World of Magic.
Guild Name Description Guild Master Status Symbol
Crime Sorcière The guild's main objective is to eradicate the evil brought about by Dark Guilds and Zeref. Unknown Active Crime Sorcière Symbol.png
Other Guilds
There are many other guilds besides Magic guilds. Happy once implies that there are workmen guilds aside from merchant and mercenary guilds, too.

Guild Name Description Guild Master Status Symbol
Southern Wolves A mercenary guild, the Southern Wolves mainly use martial arts and counter Magic spells to defeat Mages. Their Guild leader is a person called Mama she was mentioned but never seen. Mama Active Southern Wolves.png
Love and Lucky A merchants guild, not much is known about the guild except that Lucy Heartfilia's parents once worked at the guild and they named Lucy after they saw that the "k" in "Lucky" had fallen down from the sign. Unknown Active Unknown


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